Home :: Kettlebell DVDs :: Steve Cotter :: The Science of Kettlebells - Push Pull Series
The Science of Kettlebells - Push Pull Series

The Science of Kettlebells - Push Pull Series

SKU SC1080
Weight 1.00 lbs
$ 39.99

The Science of Kettlebells Push-Pull Series is Shihans all-new follow-along workout program developed by Kettlebell training extraordinaire Steve Cotter. The science behind the Push-Pull system is based on a series of highly specialized exercises and workouts, using a unique system of Pushing and Pulling movements.

This highly effective training concept evolved when Steve Cotter recognized the problems that existed from over training vertical lifts (cleans, snatch, press) and neglecting the horizontal movements in Kettlebell and weight lifting. This common training approach can create kinetic chain weaknesses that can lead to training plateaus and quite often injury. Steve continually witnessed lifters who were unable to reach their full potential due to imbalanced training and muscle development.

By equalizing your training with pushing and pulling movements in the upper-body, lower-body and core, you can create a more powerful physique that will enable you to train harder and make continued gains in strength and endurance! Not only will you build more functional strength, you will witness impressive gains in the core Kettlebell lifts like the snatch, clean and press!

Steve’s own personal gains with the Push-Pull method were so impressive that he has now incorporated this system into his IKFF seminars, personal client training and his work with athletic programs. Now this incredible system is available on DVD as Steve Cotter teaches you the proper technique of each and every lift in the entire Push-Pull system. You even get to follow along with the guru himself during each and every workout you do!

    Package Includes:
  • Learn to identify the 7 key areas of the Push-Pull system, Vertical Pushing, Vertical Pulling, Horizontal Pushing, Horizontal Pulling, Hip Training, Knee Training and Core.

  • Steve Cotter teaches all of the moves in a separate section of the DVDs, so you can master each of the Push Pull exercises before you do the workouts!

  • All of the weekly Push-Pull workouts as you follow along with Steve Cotter! 7 different workouts in all plus warm ups and cool downs!

  • 8 page Push-Pull Training Log and guide to document and track your progress!

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