Home :: Kettlebell DVDs :: Steve Maxwell :: Ultimate Upper Body Pull Up Workout
Ultimate Upper Body Pull Up Workout

Ultimate Upper Body Pull Up Workout

SKU SM1020
Weight 1.00 lbs
$ 29.99
Steve Maxwell's amazing Ultimate Upper-Body Pull-Up DVD is the hottest new workout in years! Using any pull up bar at home or in the gym, this system will allow you to take your upper body and core strength to a new powerhouse level! This intense workout covers a complete pull up system, including: a special warm up for doing pull ups, proper pull up form discussion, and over 30 new pull up techniques. Maxwell's detailed instruction will open your eyes with new tips and tricks for the pull up techniques you may already know and teach you some of the most incredible new pull up routines you will ever see. These exercises are no nonsense and you will quickly witness incredible strength gains if you follow this routine! Steve Maxwell is widely known for his cutting edge workouts and this new DVD, The Ultimate Upper Body Workout is truly one of his best!


2: Safety Tips
3: One Arm Chin Up
4: One Arm Push Up
5: Muscle Up
6: Pike Handstand Pushup
7: One Arm Extension Chin
8: Dip
9: One Arm Twisting Row
10: L-Seat Pull Up
11: Hanging Leg Raise
12: Windshield Wiper
13: L-Seat With Rings
14: Around The World Pull Up
15: Intro To Rings
16: Superman
17: Pec Fly
18: Pec Fly Alternatives
19: High Tension Pull Up
20: Ring Pull Ups
21: T-Push Ups With Rings
22: Sternum Pull Up
23: Dive Bomber Push Up
24: Towel Pull Up
25: Dip Knee Raise Combo
26: Chin Knee Raise
27: Scorpion Push Up
28: Body Weight Row
29: Torso Twist
30: Biceps Row
31: Programs

RUNNING TIME: 72 minutes
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